Benny Boy

267Creations 117,169Downloads

Benny Boy's Blog

Moving on...


As many of you know, I have been absent from the Sims community, on many sites, for quite some time.

I feel it is time to move on from The Sims, and pursue other dreams that I have. This includes college. In August, I will be moving away from home and will be going to a 2-year graphic design school in Des Moines, Iowa. After graduation from college, I hope to do some internships and summer moves to New York City, and hopefully one day move there.

You can always contact me by email:, or...

I'm almost always on TSR's live chatroom in these room: #sims

I will never forget some of the people that I met here through TSR, and online, and I will miss you all. I may check TSR's forums from time to time, but not like I have been doing in the past.

Talk to you all soon and take care,

Benny Boy (Ben)

Finals and Christmas !

Hello again...

As you know, Christmas is coming up which means high schools are on the verge of finals. The semester testing for my school started this afternoon and goes until 2:30 PM on Friday afternoon. I'm a senior in high school and can't wait for these last few months to fly by so i can get the heck outta high school! I can't wait for freedom!!

This being said, and with Christmas coming up, I will absent from both submissions, my blog and the forums for a good week or week and a half. I am always in the chat room and my own chat called #thebenniest. Click here for more information on the chat room. On a daily basis, you will find me in both #sims and #thebenniest. Come chat with us!!

If I do happen to get a chance to sit down at my computer over X-Mas break, I will attempt to start back on a recolor set I'm doing of the hotel furniture seen in Bon Voyage. I am doing a 'Cape Cod' theme with aqua and white wood colors. Pictures coming soon!!

As always .. thanks for your support,
Benny Boy


Hello. Wow, it's been a while since I've created something and posted a new blog, but as of tonight, that has changed.

I'm in the process of creating and uploading a new Dirt Grounds set, a ground texture that will be available, hopefully, soon on The Sims Resource. (Note to self: bribe Girl-from-mars). Haha!!

On other terms, my mini site. You may notice that I changed the color of my site to match the new season and will soon be photoshopping a new banner to match it. Look for it soon!!

Look for this new set popping up in my upcoming items, as well as when it is released. Thanks,

- ben

My Absence....


I'm not dead. :P I've just been away for a very long time. I took quite a break from creating or simming for a while to focus on another hobby I have great passion for, digital photography. You can see all of my photographs on my deviantART page, here. Comments are most appreciated!

I will be trying to upload in the next couple of days/weeks until school starts. But once senior year starts, I will be extremely busy but will try to pop in once and a while.

Until then ... chow! :)

New Creations!! - finally...


I'm finally home and happy to be. Haha!! When I got home tonight, I finished a floor tile set I had started before leaving for Alabama one week ago. It's called Mohawk Ceramics and is currently in pending. Watch my minisite homepage for more details on it be published. :)

I will be creating quite a few more floor tile sets, as well as single homecrafter items, and maybe even a few recolor sets, if I get around to it.

Again, as always, I'd like to thank anyone and everyone who supports my minisite and my creations. It really does mean a lot to me!

Thank you and take care,
Benny Boy

Comin' Home and Clean Up!


Well, I am currently posting this blog in Alabama, so I'm about 3-4 states away from my real home of Iowa. :P I'm getting *loads* of inspiration for both creating and meshing while on vacation and cannot wait to get back and start creatin' again! :D

I'm getting on a plane tomorrow about 11:07 AM and will be back in Iowa around 3:30 PM. So, long day of traveling but I **love** flying so it should be fun. ^_^ From there, it's about a 2-hour drive from the airport to my hometown so then I have to do MORE traveling. (I prefer flying over driving :)

I'd like to thank you ALL for downloading all of my submissions while I've been away. It really means a lot that ya' don't forget about me, even though I'm not really uploading at the moment. But don't worry! I plan on uploading quite a bit when I get home. Although it might take a while since I only have the base game installed at the moment, I'll get the stuff uploaded. And with the new beta submissions system, it should be a breeze!!!~~~


Now, onto the minisite cleanup. Upon arrival at home, I will be cleaning it up! I'll be going through all 200+ submissions and editing them manually. Adding descriptions, editing descriptions, and adding much more stuff that has been added to submissions since I put them on the site in the first place. :P

Well, I'm going to bed since I have to get up around 5:30 AM in the morning, so I'll probably post yet another blog tomorrow when I get completely home to my base computer.

See ya' soon!! Take care,
Benny Boy

Away for a bit...


I will be going on a family vacation for about 1 week and will leave tomorrow, very early. I've been uploading quite a bit last night and this morning so you should have quite a bit to download while I'm away.

When I get back, I'll be working on cleaning up my computer. Take care,

Benny Boy


Yeah, about the xtra-uploading thing with 60,000 downloads and such. It will be delayed until at least the 30th of May.

Finals for school are around this time, so I really picked a bad time. Oii. So, don't worry, I'll be uploading, just not at this time.

Wish me luck on finals! Thanks!



I'm pleased to announce that my creations have been downloaded a total of 60,204 times, well over 60,000 downloads!

I'll be uploading quite a few new sets in the next couple of days, as a thank you to all of you who have supported me. Keep a look out in the different creation forums for previews of my work, as well as my mini site for new Current Projects.

Thanks again!!
Benny Boy

New Current Projects!!


Since I'm getting very close to 60,000 downloads here at TSR, I've decided to start uploading some more .. as a thank you to anyone and everyone who has contributed to Benny Boy by downloading my stuff. :)

So ... on that note, I'm going to announce my next project, or, projectS. LoL...

I'm working on a joint project between these 2 sets by the select artists, Shoukeir:
1. Magali
2. Extensia Dining

Both sets will be the same recolors, to match as a full set. They should work perfect in your modern homes, or if you just want modern style in a traditional home, it will work for that as well.

Preview pictures of the set objects will be posted in this forum thread. Look for it soon, and thank you all for your support!

Benny Boy

Latest Headlines

Moving on... Finals and Christmas ! **Update** My Absence.... New Creations!! - finally... Comin' Home and Clean Up! Away for a bit... Oops... 60,000 Downloads!!!! New Current Projects!!
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